Monday: It was Monday, that says it all. You know how most Monday's go, you don't want to start the week, something always seems to go wrong, it's a long day that seems to never end, and it just is a Monday. One of my friends said that Monday is Friday's evil twin. She was right about that!!
Tuesday: I had a great morning and I thought my week was going to get better until a tooth started bothering me in the afternoon. My first thought was why now and why me?? In the past month I have already had 2 root canals, 4 fillings, and a wisdom tooth pulled. Isn't that enough dental work for 1 month?!? Apparently not. (See Wednesday)
Wednesday: Went to the dentist to see about my tooth and ended up having a third root canal done this month. :( It should be my last! Yay!
Good things that have happened this week include: Father's Day movie with the family, my parents 35th Wedding anniversary, my car's air getting fixed (that's a must in Texas) and more!
I said all that to say this: I was really feeling down this week and wondering why I had to be the one to have the worst (to me) week ever until I found out a good friend of my was in ICU and not doing well. Even after I found that out, I was still upset about my week until this afternoon. As I was resting from my dental work, I realized that while this was the worst week for me it was MUCH better than the week my friend was having. I wasn't in ICU with slurred speech and signs of a stroke. I hadn't been in my house for 2 days alone and needed help. I was having a great week compared to my friend and many other people. I realized that I was truly not having a bad week, I was having a good week with just a few bumps in the road. I realized that you never know when something will happen that can change your life forever. I have to take these bumps in the road and just keep on trucking. I will be ok, I can survive the bumps.
Please pray for my friend David. It looks like he suffered a stroke this past weekend. He is now in ICU. I talked to him today and he seemed to be positive but he's not over this yet. He needs our prayers for recovery. Thank you friends!