Well for about the past week I have had a sore throat and just felt bad. It takes a lot to get me to go to the doctor but on Friday when I still wasn't feeling any better I went. Shocking!!! :) I went to one of those emergency clinic's and I waited maybe 5 mins before going back to a room. The nurse did all that fun stuff...temp, blood pressure, pulse, do you do this and do you do that. Of course I'm the perfect lil angle so it didn't take her long before she left. :) Next the doctor comes in and she is very nice. She looks in my ears and in my mouth(say ahhhh) and then she wants to do a throat swab. Now most people that know me happen to know that I gag very easily so I'm sitting there waiting for the nurse to come swab my throat. I start praying that I don't gag too bad and then.... Anyway she came in and did it and yes I survived! 10 mins later in comes the doctor with the verdict. Drum roll please.....I have an upper respatory infection AND tonsillitis. YUCK!!! She gave me two prescriptions for some get well drugs. My antibiotic is a HUGE horse pill. Takes lots of water to get that one done! Then my other med is a nice med size pill that goes down just fine. I have to takes both of these twice a day for 10 days. It has been 3 days since I started taking them and I already feel lots better!
I'm looking forward to this weekend. I will have sat, sun, and mon off from work! It has been a while since I have had a weekend off so I'm excited! Also not only am I off but I will have a mini vacation in
Bella Vista, Arkansas I leave fri afternoon for the long 4 hour drive there to get the key to a house that my family and I will stay in. We did this back when I was younger and it was lots of fun! I will try and take pics of our trip and post some here.
Well it is now 11pm and I stayed up WAY to late last night so I'm going to bed early. Have a great week everyone!
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