Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sick again...
This past weekend I had some kind of stomach virus or flu. Lets just say it was not fun! Started about 1am on Sunday morning. I only got sick once(thankfully) but I had fever and just felt bad for a few days. I'm still having some not feeling too good moments but from where I was I'm much better! :) Funny thing with my job though..I get sick days. Cool! Well turns out to use these days you have to call in twice(in a row) that your sick. Sometimes you might need a drs. note but not all the time. Well I'm thinking ok I will get paid or get to use two of my sick days since I was sick and called in two days from work. haha No. You start getting a sick day until you call in the second day. So since I called in two days sick I only get paid one day for being sick two days. Does not make any sense but a lot of the things where I work don't make sense. Oh well. In the future maybe I should take a extra day when I'm jk :) Well I just wanted to post and say hi! I'm off to finish watching dancing with the stars.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My new pet...
Well I have a new pet!! Some of you(like my parents) may be thinking she has a pet?? I hope not. :) Well fear not this is not just any pet. Its a very tiny, cute, loud pet. One that I did not choose to have or get. Let me explain. The other night I was sitting in my bed on my computer and I had my window open a little bit because it was so nice outside. I'm sitting there and I kept hearing this VERY loud chirping noise. I thought ahhh must be a cricket outside singing about the nice weather. I continued on and thought it would stop. It didn't. Later I got up and was getting ready for bed and I went in my bathroom and I thought man it sounds like that noise is coming from in here. Well what do you know it was. It was a tiny tiny tiny baby cricket in my tub. As soon as I peaked in on it it got quiet. lol When I left to go to bed it started singing again. It's still in my apt but not in my tub guess it didn't want to take a shower. lol Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Mine was good. Yesterday morning got up early and went to credit university!!! Yay! It was SO much fun....NOT! Some of you may be wondering what is credit university? Well the company I work for wants us to get credit apps and when we don't we get to wake up WAY too early on a Sat morning and go to class for an hour on how to get apps and get asked why we don't ask the customers(cause they have one. DUH!) lol Yesterday though we got to skip all that and the deathly boring credit video(that they show time after time after time) and we watched how to do a RSVS order. Basiclly how to order something for the customer. The people who did this video were not prepared and were VERY funny. lol The main person's name was cyd....YES cyd and it was a girl. Once we watched that we were out of there and off to Cick-fil-A! mmmm Got some Chick-n-Minis. Very good! :) Today I worked and it wasn't too bad. We were short staffed so it kept us busy and made the day go by faster. Tomorrow morning I go in again very early. This time to go do markdowns. In my store the third floor is closing. It is all home and furniture stuff. There are some pretty good sales up there but nothing is at that REALLY great price yet. After tomorrow I get a day off to rest and get ready for the rest of the week! Hope everyone has a good week!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Yes you may be wondering what the surprise is. Well it's not a surprise for my blog readers it was a surprise for me and not a very good one. Let me share.. Yesterday I got ready for work and was walking to get my shoes from the front door and noticed that my carpet was kinda squishy. I thought that was kinda weird so I looked and saw a few tiny wet spots from where I had been so I looked up at the ceiling to see if something was leaking but no. So I continued to go get my shoes and what did I step in? Water!!! Not just a little pool of water but close to a flood(ok not really but it was a lot). I began to look around and see what area of the carpet was wet and where this flood was coming from. Turns out my hall closet was leaking water and then my bathroom/hall closet was also leaking water. Now in between these two closets is my air conditioner and hot water heater. I called the apt people and asked them to send maintenance out. The guy came out and torn out my hall closet's wall(yes he literally tore it out) and all this time he says oh its just the air conditioner and I was thinking hmmm that's weird cause I remember when I stepped in the flood and it was warm. Anyway he goes on and get the wall torn apart and goes oh it the water heater. It busted. Great! Now instead of a flood I have my own hot tub all in the comfort of my own apt. :) lol not really. Anyway he tells me he is going to send the carpet guy out to wet vac it and dry it and then they will put it back down on Monday. Good news is I did not drown in my own flood/hot tub and the bad news is parts of my carpet got soaked. Thankfully it wasn't worse and I'm glad I caught it in time. I can just imagine coming home after a long day at work and walking in to the apt and then splash in the hot water. YUCK! I just hope now that the carpet and the carpet pat dry out and mold doesn't start to grow. ewwww! Well that's all the excitement going on here....later :)
This past Thursday the Oklahoma State Fair started. On Thursday you could get in for $1.00! Not bad! Of course once you get in you spend who knows how much for the rides, the food(that went up once again), and the things you want to buy. My favorite part of going to a fair is looking at all the exhibits and companies that come out to show you their stuff. I also LOVE freebies! :) The company I work for usually has each of their stores go to the local fair that is going on. Well this year that didn't happen. The company decided to update the computer system and since they wanted to do that before the holiday rush they decided to do it this summer. Well come to find out the new system some way doesn't transmit to the fair. I guess some technical thing. I don't know. I do know that the company is going to lose millions of dollars. OUCH!! I'm sure by next year they have a plan for going to the fair. Then again maybe not. Also not only are they losing this money but each store is getting flat bed after flat bed of fair stuff that they would normally take out and use/sell. Well you may be wondering what are they going to do with it all? Ahhhh..bring the fair inside! Our store is having a party/inside fair on the second floor and they have freebies, popcorn, pretzels, music, balloons and all that fun stuff. So far I think our store's inside fair is doing pretty good. They had an increase in sales yesterday so well see. Hope everyone has had a good week!
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today has been a good day. I'm off this weekend and so I ws able to just chill today! Earlier this week I was talking to my parents and my mom was telling me what happened to them. Let me give some background info... My parents live in a small town in TX and on their street is 4 houses. Their house has a fence around it but they park outside of the fence(nothing ever happens). We have 3 dogs(one with very little brain cells and WAY too much energy) and a cat that guard the house. Ok so here is the story... The other morning my mom got in her car to go to work and noticed that on my dad's car his back fender looked weird. She got out to see what was up with it and saw that someone had ran into the back of my dad's car and hit it. My dad had already gone to work so she called him and told him the bad news and told him he should probably come home and call the police and insurance. She went on to work and then later came home for lunch and met dad and the police at home. When she got there they noticed that her front bumper was also messed up. The person that hit my dad's car hit it so hard that it ran into my mom's car and bounced back. My mom's car is in the shop and they will have to fix the bumber and we are praying that nothing else is wrong under the hood. For my dad's car that was just over a year old it will most likely be totaled. We will find out monday. The good news is that my parent's were not hurt! Tried to get the pics after the post but didn't work so as you can see my dad's car is not in good shape at all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, September 5, 2008
If you are in OKC or you watch sports you probably know that OKC has an NBA team now. The other day they revealed the team name, logo and colors. We are the OKC Thunder! Go thunder!!! lol I think they could have picked a better name but it will work. I work at a major dept store and when the NBA confirmed that we would be getting the team within a few weeks we had the shirts and hats in stock. Now these did not have the team name or colors. It was just your plain black shirt and white letters. We had a few people come buy some but most are still there. Well today we were supposed to get our hot off the press OKC Thunder shirts, polo's, and hats in at 8 this morning. Now remember these are hot off the press so that means we had to price these items as well. Fun times! haha Now these items that were supposed to be at the store at 8 didn't arrive until 2:30 this afternoon. Yep a little late. We quickly started hanging them up and sticking the price tags on them. I was surprised that we actually had people stop and look at these and yes we even sold some. Here are some links of the Thunder gear we got in.
- Thunder blue with primary logo
- True court tee in grey
- Primary logo tee in yellow Note: this is not a yellow shirt it is a mustard/gold color(not real great looking)
- Polo shirt in navy
There are a few of the items we got in. GO OKC THUNDER!!! :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Trip to Arkansas...
I know I said I would give details of the trip yesterday but I worked and then came home and just chilled. Also I was going to share pics with this but I can't find my plug for the camera to the computer so pics will have to wait. I will start with Friday afternoon...
Friday I worked until 1:30 then came home and packed really fast so I could get on the road before it got too late. I packed my car up and went to get money from the bank and fill up my gas tank. Then I hit the road(well actually I hit something else...). This is my first trip going somewhere other than home all alone. It was kinda cool but being new to the OKC area I was not too familar with all the highways. That being said I got lost leaving OKC. So I'm driving along(with no map) and I'm lost...hmm what do I do? I call my dad and he gets on google and looks it up for me. Didn't take long until I was on the right highway and headed toward Arkansas! I'm driving along traffic wasn't too bad for a Friday but it wasn't light either. Well I'm behind a hummer and you know they are tall and can easily go over things. Anyway we are driving along and they go over this thing and when they do I realize what it is. A BIG tire from a semi truck. Well I drive a ford escort that is low to the ground so I have no choice but to just run over it. BAM! Yep I made it over. Thankfully the car is fine and is still running. lol Nothing like a little excitment to get the trip started! Anyway 4 hours later I was in Arkansas. Now all I had to do was find Town center. So I drove a little and then I asken in Walgreens. I finally made it to Vacation Rentals. I went in and got the keys and directions to the duplex/house for the weekend. I read the directions and wrote them down so it would be easier for me to read. Well so I follow the directions and go to Trafalgar road. Now this road is full of curves and long, tall hills well I guess it would be mountains. The speed limit is 30 miles an hours...very slow but seems fast when your going down the I have to say I'm very good with directions and maps but this time I wasn't. I blame it on being late at night and I was tired. I drove on this Trafalgar road up and down 4 times and still couldn't find the street to turn on. I had had enough and was starving so I drove down to Dairy Queen. MMMMM I had a wonderful chicken strip basket. Then I head back to Trafalgar road and go up and down it again and still didn't find the road so I tried one more time and YAY! I found it!! So I go down that road and down another and then there it is...the duplex! It was very nice. Two bedrooms and baths and a nice living and kitchen area. I got settled in and unpacked and then I waited until my parents arrived at 2:30 am Saturday morning. We talked for a few mins and then we all crashed into bed.
Saturday morning we got up and my parents drank their coffee out on the deck and enjoyed the wonderful view. We hung out for a little bit and got dressed and then went to find a place for breakfast. We decided to go back in town to Bentonville, Ar to eat at Panera Bread. They have a wonderful breakfast!! We were too late though for breakfast there so we went down to IHOP. MMM After breakfast we did some errands and then went to find the land. We took several pics and walked around for a while. That evening we met some friends for dinner. We went to a place called Fred's Hickory Inn. It was a nice place. On Friday and Saturday they have a guy that plays guitar and sings and so we were able to sit and listen to him. He was very good and the food was great! After dinner we went back and went to bed.
Sunday morning we slept in and then got up and packed our bags(so sad we had to leave) then went to check out. After we turned our keys back in we drove to the Metfield clubhouse. They have a wonderful breakfast buffet there and the rooms have a great view of the mountains and golf course. We stuffed ourselves full then tood another trip to take a few more pics of the land. After that we all headed home. We had a great time and are looking forward to going back very soon for another visit! I do have some pics that I will post later.
Friday I worked until 1:30 then came home and packed really fast so I could get on the road before it got too late. I packed my car up and went to get money from the bank and fill up my gas tank. Then I hit the road(well actually I hit something else...). This is my first trip going somewhere other than home all alone. It was kinda cool but being new to the OKC area I was not too familar with all the highways. That being said I got lost leaving OKC. So I'm driving along(with no map) and I'm lost...hmm what do I do? I call my dad and he gets on google and looks it up for me. Didn't take long until I was on the right highway and headed toward Arkansas! I'm driving along traffic wasn't too bad for a Friday but it wasn't light either. Well I'm behind a hummer and you know they are tall and can easily go over things. Anyway we are driving along and they go over this thing and when they do I realize what it is. A BIG tire from a semi truck. Well I drive a ford escort that is low to the ground so I have no choice but to just run over it. BAM! Yep I made it over. Thankfully the car is fine and is still running. lol Nothing like a little excitment to get the trip started! Anyway 4 hours later I was in Arkansas. Now all I had to do was find Town center. So I drove a little and then I asken in Walgreens. I finally made it to Vacation Rentals. I went in and got the keys and directions to the duplex/house for the weekend. I read the directions and wrote them down so it would be easier for me to read. Well so I follow the directions and go to Trafalgar road. Now this road is full of curves and long, tall hills well I guess it would be mountains. The speed limit is 30 miles an hours...very slow but seems fast when your going down the I have to say I'm very good with directions and maps but this time I wasn't. I blame it on being late at night and I was tired. I drove on this Trafalgar road up and down 4 times and still couldn't find the street to turn on. I had had enough and was starving so I drove down to Dairy Queen. MMMMM I had a wonderful chicken strip basket. Then I head back to Trafalgar road and go up and down it again and still didn't find the road so I tried one more time and YAY! I found it!! So I go down that road and down another and then there it is...the duplex! It was very nice. Two bedrooms and baths and a nice living and kitchen area. I got settled in and unpacked and then I waited until my parents arrived at 2:30 am Saturday morning. We talked for a few mins and then we all crashed into bed.
Saturday morning we got up and my parents drank their coffee out on the deck and enjoyed the wonderful view. We hung out for a little bit and got dressed and then went to find a place for breakfast. We decided to go back in town to Bentonville, Ar to eat at Panera Bread. They have a wonderful breakfast!! We were too late though for breakfast there so we went down to IHOP. MMM After breakfast we did some errands and then went to find the land. We took several pics and walked around for a while. That evening we met some friends for dinner. We went to a place called Fred's Hickory Inn. It was a nice place. On Friday and Saturday they have a guy that plays guitar and sings and so we were able to sit and listen to him. He was very good and the food was great! After dinner we went back and went to bed.
Sunday morning we slept in and then got up and packed our bags(so sad we had to leave) then went to check out. After we turned our keys back in we drove to the Metfield clubhouse. They have a wonderful breakfast buffet there and the rooms have a great view of the mountains and golf course. We stuffed ourselves full then tood another trip to take a few more pics of the land. After that we all headed home. We had a great time and are looking forward to going back very soon for another visit! I do have some pics that I will post later.
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