Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sick again...

This past weekend I had some kind of stomach virus or flu. Lets just say it was not fun! Started about 1am on Sunday morning. I only got sick once(thankfully) but I had fever and just felt bad for a few days. I'm still having some not feeling too good moments but from where I was I'm much better! :) Funny thing with my job though..I get sick days. Cool! Well turns out to use these days you have to call in twice(in a row) that your sick. Sometimes you might need a drs. note but not all the time. Well I'm thinking ok I will get paid or get to use two of my sick days since I was sick and called in two days from work. haha No. You start getting a sick day until you call in the second day. So since I called in two days sick I only get paid one day for being sick two days. Does not make any sense but a lot of the things where I work don't make sense. Oh well. In the future maybe I should take a extra day when I'm jk :) Well I just wanted to post and say hi! I'm off to finish watching dancing with the stars.

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