If you follow me on Twitter then you have probably read my tweets from a few weeks ago that we didn't have water. We ended up not having water for about 30 minutes. I was not a happy camper. In the small town that we live in the power goes off frequently(for no reason), we have brown drinking water that is supposedly safe to drink(we buy bottled), and at times the water has very little pressure or is just simply shut off for no reason. Later that day I was thinking about my tweets and how I was not happy to not have water when it hit me. There are THOUSANDS of people all over this world(some even in my own town) that don't have the money to pay for water, or just simply don't have it where they live. They also might not have electricity, food, or even a house to stay in. I don't know about you but I realized that while it may be a pain, I can live for a few minutes and even longer with no water, electricity, and food. I will survive and be just fine. While I wasn't happy that I didn't have water to wash my hair with or do the dishes with, I realized I needed to be thankful for what I did have. I have so much compared to some people that live in our world. I have a family that loves me(even through the bad times); I have water, electricity, food, a house to live in, a computer and internet, a TV with cable, and SO much more.
You may be wondering how you can help. One way to help is to sponsor a child. There are several organizations that you can do this with. Our family uses World Vision. We have sponsored a child for many years. For about $1 a day you can sponsor a child in another part of the world that is in need. Just go
here to learn more and sign up with World Vision. When you sponsor a child you will get a welcome kit that includes a picture and information of your child, the option to write and receive letters(even email!) your child, annual progress reports on your child, and updated pictures. For our family it is so neat to see a new picture and receive a letter from our child. We can keep up with how they are doing in school, their favorite things to do, and more.
I realize that some of you may not be able to sponsor a child right now but you can do something. You can pray. While we may not be able to see it, prayer does amazing things!
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