Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year!

2010 is a new year, it is the start of a new decade, and the start of the new me! 2010 is the year for me to lose weight and get healthy! Over the summer and fall I had lost just over 10 pounds. During the past few months I have gained most of it back. I have decided that it is time to lose the weight and keep it off for good! To help me get started I have joined the Ten in 10 challenge. During these 10 weeks I plan to:
  • Lose at least 10 pounds
  • Lower my blood sugar
  • Exercise at least 5 times a week
  • Cut out soft drinks
It seems like it might be easy to accomplish that now but I know that it won't be. I'm happy to say that by joining the Ten in 10 Challenge I will have a support group of other people doing the same thing. I know that they will help encourage and support me along the way. I have also joined to help track what I eat, how much I exercise and more. I'm excited to start along this journey and can't wait to see where it takes me!

For more information or how to join just go here. Stay tuned for updates along the way!


  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start in 2010! I have a feeling you will amaze yourself with what you accomplish! Keep it up!

  2. That's weird. I tried to see if you can see me when you click on "Angela" and you can't. Odd.

    As I sit here munching on a few bar-b-q potato chips. lol :)

  3. I can see you now! Weird that is wasn't showing.
